General Queries 

Q: What does WPXPO sell? 

Answer: We mainly sell WordPress themes, plugins, and other related services. All our WordPress Products have a minimal design to offer optimal performance.  

Q: How compatible are our Products? 

Answer: Our products are compatible with select WordPress platforms. Please check the relevant theme or plugin products page to learn more. 

Q: What requirements do you need to run our products? 

Answer: We recommend that you update your WordPress and PHP versions or contact the hosting provided to help you with the updates. In general, you will have full control if you fulfill the following version requirements: 

  • WordPress version 5.0.0 and higher. 
  • PHP version 7.4 or higher. 
  • MySQL version 5.6 or Higher/ MariaDB version 10.1 or higher. 

Q: Do we offer premium WordPress products only? 

Answer: We offer both free and premium WordPress themes and plugins. We offer paid product tiers and issue necessary support as needed. 

After-Sales Queries

Q: What form of support can I expect from your end? 

Answer: Our expert support team offers guidance and support for pro and free versions of our themes and plugins on critical failures and updates. Please note that we offer guidance on product installation when requested. 

Q: How do the product updates work? 

Answer: You will receive product update notifications on your WPXPO dashboard. Just make sure your license is active before you opt for a renewal. In short, your WPXPO product dashboard will supply you with all the necessary product updates. 

Q: How do I renew my product license? 

Answer: You will receive regular product update information from your WPXPO dashboard. And yes, if you want to upgrade a product subscription plan, make sure you have an active product license. 

Coblog theme 

Q: Does the Coblog theme have a demo version? 

Answer: The Coblog theme features a 1-click demo install. You can easily install the demo on your WordPress site and see it in action. 

Q: Is the Coblog theme RTL ready? 

Answer: The fully responsive Coblog theme is RTL ready. 

Q: Is it translation-ready? 

Answer: Yes, the Coblog theme is a translation-ready theme. 

Q: Is Coblog Compatible with WooCommerce? 

Answer: The Coblog theme is fully compatible with WooCommerce. To read the full feature set and support criteria, you can visit the Coblog theme page. 

PostX Plugin 

Q: Does PostX support AJAX filtering? 

Answer: Yes, the PostX plugin features AJAX filtering for specified block filtering. 

Q: How can you display specific posts with PostX?

Answer: PostX features the Advanced Query Builder which lets you showcase your posts by custom post type, taxonomy control, post offset, and include/exclude. 

Q: How many layout designs does the PostX pro version have? 

Answer: With the highest tier pro version of PostX, you are already getting lifetime product support and updates. 

You also get 9+ starter packs and over 80 pre-made post-blocks. 

To compare the different pricing tiers, you can check out the PostX plugin pricing page. 

Q: After purchasing a 1-year site license, how will the website work when expires?

Answer: After the expiration of one year license, the design and customization you have done using the PostX pro will remain the same. But you can not import any premium starter packs or premade designs of the blocks and you will also stop receiving updates. However, you can still use the pro customization options of the setting section.

ProductX Plugin 

Q: Does ProductX have a Wishlist Add-on?

Answer: Yes, the easy-to-use ProductX plugin features full support for the WooCommerce Wishlist add-on with all essential functionality. 

Q: Does it have support for Product Overview? 

Answer: ProductX features excellent support for the ‘Product Overview’ add-on which helps the user showcase the features of a product efficiently. You can read more about the ‘Product Overview’ feature on the ProductX Plugin Page.  

Q: What is the Product Compare add-on? 

Answer: The ProductX Product Compare add-on lets you create a comparison system for specific products. It also supports shortcode implementation as well. Learn more on the ProductX Plugin Page.

Q: After purchasing a 1-year site license, how will the website work when expires?

Answer: After the expiration of one year license, the design and customization you have done using the ProductX pro will remain the same. But you can not import any premium starter packs or premade designs of the blocks and you will also stop receiving updates. However, you can still use the pro customization options of the setting section.

Affiliate Queries 

Q: Do we have an affiliate program? 

Answer: We have an attractive affiliate program that offers a 30% sales commission for all sales. Please read our Affiliate Policy to learn more. 

Q: What is the theme developer license? 

Answer: We have a very unique proposition to help you earn extra cash! 

We are opening our doors to new ideas via our theme development licensing scheme. You will get access to the pro blocks feature and come up with innovative designs. 

And if you can help flip a customer, then you can earn a 20% commission from the purchase.

Check out the Theme Developer License Page for more information.  

Q: Will I get access to all pro features? 

Answer: Except for the Design Library and Pro Add-ons, you will get access to all pro features. And yes, you don’t need any Pro plugins for development purposes. 

Q: What rules do I have to follow? 

Answer: Make sure not to distribute any license for specific client use. Also, you are not allowed to distribute/sell PRO product licenses. The theme is for free distribution only. To learn more, please check out our Theme Developer License Page

Q: How do I get started? 

Answer: Please visit our Theme Developer License Page to learn more. In short, we will provide you with a pro license which you will have to integrate with the TGM plugin. Then all you have to do is sell and earn! 

Last Updated on June 1, 2021